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- > Master Optique, Image, Vision, Multimédia Parcours Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)
Master Optique, Image, Vision, Multimédia Parcours Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)
Le Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree RADMEP offre un programme multidisciplinaire et innovant couvrant les interactions entre les radiations et les technologies microélectroniques et photoniques, deux technologies clés pour l'avenir de l'Europe.
L'objectif de RADMEP est de former les étudiants à ces technologies avancées, en fournissant une méthodologie et en introduisant des applications pratiques pour leur mise en œuvre dans une variété d'environnements naturels ou artificiels riches en radiations. Le premier semestre se déroulera à l'Université de Jyväskylä (JYU, Finlande) et le second semestre à la KU Leuven (KUL, Belgique). Pour le troisième semestre, un choix entre deux spécialisations différentes est proposé aux étudiants du master RADMEP :
- Spécialisation en effets des radiations sur les technologies photoniques (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France).
- Spécialisation en effets des radiations sur la microélectronique et les technologies électroniques avancées (Université de Montpellier, France).
Au cours du quatrième semestre, les étudiants devront effectuer leur stage de 6 mois dans une industrie, une agence ou un centre de recherche, par exemple dans le vaste réseau RADMEP qui compte plus de 35 partenaires associés.
The RADMEP Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree provides a multidisciplinary and innovative programme covering the interactions between Radiations and MicroElectronics and Photonics, two Key Enabling Technologies for the future of Europe.
RADMEP's objective is to educate students in those advanced technologies, providing methodology and introducing practical applications for their implementation in a variety of natural or man-made radiation-rich environments. The first semester will take place at the University of Jyväskylä (JYU, Finland) and the second semester at KU Leuven (KUL, Belgium). For the third semester, a choice between two different specialisations will be offered to the RADMEP master students:
- Specialisation in Radiation Effects on Photonics technologies (Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, France)
- Specialisation in Radiation Effects on Microelectronics and Advanced Electronic Technologies (University of Montpellier, France).
During the fourth semester, students will undertake a 6-months master thesis either in an industry, an agency or in a research centre, for example from the large RADMEP network of more than 35 associate partners.
Pour qui ?
Conditions d'admission
Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'une Licence (ou tout autre diplôme de premier cycle reconnu au niveau national et équivalent à 180 ECTS), de préférence dans les domaines de la microélectronique, de la photonique ou de la physique. Bien que cette condition doive nécessairement être remplie au moment de l'inscription, le consortium RADMEP accepte les candidatures d'étudiants en dernière année d'études supérieures (L3). Les candidats doivent posséder une solide formation académique dans les domaines généraux de la physique, de la photonique, de la physique des semi-conducteurs et de la microélectronique.
Pour candidater au master, merci de vous rendre sur la plateforme des masters internationaux de la FST
Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science (or any nationally recognized first cycle degree equivalent to 180 ECTS), preferably in the fields of microelectronics, photonics and physics. While this condition must necessarily be fulfilled at the time of enrolment, the RADMEP consortium accepts applications from students in the last year of their higher education degree. Applicants must possess a solid academic background in the general fields of physics, photonics, semi-conductor physics and microelectronics.
You may apply to this master degree on the international master platform
Et après ?
Poursuites d'études
Le parcours RADMEP est conçu pour répondre aux besoins et aux défis des industries. Il ouvre également sur des opportunités de carrières internationales et stimulantes, puisque le besoin de diplômés experts en photonique et microélectronique pour les environnements radiatifs et experts en recherche fondamentale et appliquée est croissant sur le marché international du travail. Les étudiants ont l’opportunité de poursuivre leurs études en doctorat.
RADMEP opens up for international and challenging career opportunities. The demand for postgraduates in photonics and microelectronics in radiated environments as well as basic and applied research is high on the international job market. Postgraduates will be qualified to work in any company related to aerospace or nuclear activities with a special focus on photonics and microelectronics. This master programme also qualifies the postgraduate for PhD studies.
Etablissement(s) partenaire(s)
Informations supplémentaires
Le parcours RADMEP fait partie de la Graduate School Manutech-SLEIGHT, un programme intégré de formation par et pour la recherche dans les domaines de l'ingénierie lumière-surfaces (optique-photonique, ingénierie des surfaces, sciences de l'image, informatique et ingénierie de la santé). Les étudiants auront des opportunités de stages en collaboration avec des laboratoires ou entreprises reconnus, et ils participeront et seront acteurs des SLEIGHT Science Events (un événement bisannuel et multidisciplinaire où ils pourront découvrir l'état de la recherche dans les domaines de Manutech-SLEIGHT et construire leur réseau). La Graduate School offre également des bourses d'attractivité et des bourses de mobilité.
The RADMEP track is part of the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School, a unique integrated research and training program in the fields of light-surfaces engineering covering main topics at the core knowledge of each discipline and at the interface of Optics-Photonics, Surface engineering, Image and Computer Science and Health Engineering.
Integrating the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School is a great opportunity for master students. They will learn on a dynamic site in Saint-Etienne (France) recognised at the highest international level in these research domains. Students will have large possibilities to carry out internships in collaboration with recognised laboratories or companies, they will participate and be actors of the SLEIGHT Science Events (a biannual and multidisciplinary event where they will discover the state of the research in the Manutech-SLEIGHT’s domains and build their network). The Graduate School also offers attractiveness scholarships and mobility grants.
Cursus 100% English
For more information : www.manutech-sleight.com
master.radmep @ univ-st-etienne.fr (master.radmep @ univ-st-etienne.fr)
+33 (0)4 77 91 57 30
Master Optique, Image, Vision, Multimédia Parcours Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)
Induction week held at University Jean Monnet (UJM) from August 30th to September 5th 2021
SEMESTER 7 - University of Jyväskylä (JYU) - From September 6th to December 31st 2021
Minimum of 30 ECTS from the following courses
Major units - 22 ECTS |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Applied Semiconductor Physics |
5 |
Dr. Kai Arstila | |
Electron, Photon and Ion Beam Methods in Materials Science |
5 |
Prof. Timo Sajavaara | |
Measuring Techniques |
5 |
Dr. Panu Ruotsalainen | |
Numerical Methods in Physics |
4 |
Dr. Kimmo Niskanen | |
Workshop #1: |
3 |
Dr. Arto Javanainen |
Optional Units - (min. 8 ECTS) |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Electronics part A |
4 |
Dr. Arto Javanainen | |
Electronics part B |
4 |
Dr. Arto Javanainen | |
Electronics Workshop |
2 |
Risto Kronholm | |
Nuclear Physics |
8 |
Prof. Iain Moore | |
Fission and its Applications |
5 |
Dr. Heikki Penttilä | |
Systematic Information Seeking |
1 |
Johanna Kinnunen | |
Creating Careers |
1 |
Anu Ojala |
Extra units |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Survival Finnish |
2 |
Tuija Lehtonen | |
Each-one-teach-one |
3 |
Tuija Lehtonen | |
E-Learning Module: Academic Reading/Supplementary Module |
2 |
Lilja Salmi | |
E-Learning Module: Academic Vocabulary |
2 |
Lilja Salmi | |
E-Learning Module: Grammar for Writing |
2 |
Hanna Bauer |
SEMESTER 8 - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) – From February XX 2022 to June XX 2022
Minimum of 30 ECTS from the following courses
Major units - 22 credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Analog CMOS design |
3 |
Prof. Paul LEROUX | |
Embedded systems |
5 |
Prof. Jeffrey PRINZIE | |
Ethics |
1 |
| |
Digital chip design |
4 |
Prof. Jeffrey PRINZIE | |
Analog and mixed signal chip design and image sensors |
6 |
Prof. Paul LEROUX and Dr. Guy MEYNANTS | |
Workshop #2: Basics of Photonics Technologies and Their use in Harsh Environments |
3 |
Dr. Guy MEYNANTS (Guest lecturers: Prof. Heidi OTTEVAERE (VUB Brussels), Prof. Wim BOGAERTS (UGent)) |
Optional units (min. 8 credits) |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Machine Learning |
4 |
Prof. Peter KARSMAKERS | |
Big Data |
4 |
Prof. Peter KARSMAKERS / Prof. Mariya ISHTEVA | |
Radiation to electronics project |
4 |
Prof. Valentijn DE SMEDT | |
RF and PLL Design |
4 |
Prof. Paul LEROUX | |
Digital Signal Processing |
4 |
Prof. Peter KARSMAKERS |
Extra credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Survival Dutch – 40h of lectures including also some excursions |
3 |
2-month internships |
10 |
YEAR 2 - 2 tracks available
SEMESTER 9 – From September XX 2022 to January XX 2023
TRACK 1: Photonics Specialization - Courses at University Jean Monnet (UJM)
Minimum of 30 ECTS from the following courses
Major units - 22 credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Laser Physics |
4 |
Prof. Youcef Ouerdane / Prof. Sylvain Girard | |
Optical Engineering |
2 |
Arnaud Meyer | |
Advanced Photonic and Optoelectronic Technologies |
5 |
Ass. Prof. Adriana Morana, Prof. Sylvain Girard, Prof. Emmanuel Marin and external RADMEP guest lecturers | |
Radiation Effects on Photonic and Optoelectronic Technologies |
5 |
Ass. Prof. Adriana Morana, Prof. Sylvain Girard, Prof. Emmanuel Marin and external RADMEP partners | |
Photonics Labs |
3 |
Prof. Emmanuel Marin, Ass. Prof. Adriana Morana | |
Workshop #3: @CERN |
3 |
Optional Units - min. 8 credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
5 |
Ass. Prof. Stéphane Foliard | |
Scientific Methodology and Project Management |
3 |
Nathalie Destouches | |
Analytical Instrumentation for Detection |
3 |
Ass. Pr. A. Morana, Dr. R. Stoian | |
Radiation to photonics project |
2 |
Ass. Prof. A. Morana, Prof. S. Girard |
Extra units |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
French language and culture |
5 |
TRACK 2: MicroElectronics Specialization - Courses at University of Montpellier (UM)
Minimum of 30 ECTS from the following courses
Major units - 20 credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transport, Aerospace and Nuclear |
3 |
| |
Test and reliability of Integrated Circuits and Systems |
5 |
| |
Industrial Tools and methodologies for devices qualification for space missions |
3 |
| |
Embedded electronics and wireless communication |
6 |
| |
Workshop #3: @CERN |
3 |
Optional units - min. 10 credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
5 |
Prof. Stéphane Foliard | |
Acoustic sensors with associated systems |
5 |
| |
Optical and thermal sensors with associated systems |
5 |
| |
System on Chip and Embedded systems |
5 |
Extra credits |
Credits |
Syllabus |
Instructor |
French language and culture |
5 |
SEMESTER 10 – From February/March 2023 to July/August 2023
Master's Thesis
- Can be done in a company or research center.
- Minor (optional) units are available in a research center: Scientific or Language and Culture units.
Diplôme Master
Domaine d'étude Sciences, Technologies, Santé
Mention Optique, image, vision, multimédia
Parcours Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
23, rue Docteur Paul Michelon
42100 Saint-Etienne
04 77 48 15 00
Durée : 2 ans
120 crédits
Lieu d’enseignement :
- Saint-Etienne
Coût de l'inscription
4500 €
Détail coût d'inscription
4500€ / year for European Students
9000€ / year for non-European students
Scholarships available with the EU, the RADMEP consortium and the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School
Self-funded students will be able to pay participation costs in three instalments.